Services / Diagnostics





A small investment in routine car servicing and repair, plus a good inspection results in a good return on that investment

e.g. Tyres last longer, brake discs do not become scored and in need of replacement.

Repairs to all makes and models of cars including MOT failure.

All vehicles that are three or more years old require an MOT to be carried out annually that looks at the safety of your car and at its emissions. The test covers many different areas: from lights, to emissions, to seatbelts, to brakes - many of the things that would compromise your safety or the environment.

MOT's can be booked in advance and can be performed up to 30 days before the expiry date of your existing certificate.

Diagnostics refers to fault finding on vehicle electronic components and systems. This is an area that the majority of garage repair centres are not prepared to get involved with.

Systems are used to ensure that faults are diagnosed quickly and accurately taking away the guess work out of the process.